Thursday, January 10, 2013


Please note I will site 2 article links ahead. You may want to read first. Or during. Or after. and )

A Good Place to Start

Starting the journey (at least for a year) of seeing where consistent writing and, more importantly, engagement are going to take me is an exciting task that I am embarking on. There is the consistent reminder that has been popping up in my awareness that it is time to start a new vein in life. The main aspect of this I’ve just realized revolves around the word engagement.  As I’m reading through the twitter field this morning I come across this story about a new app called Paragraph Shorts. The article byLaura Hazard Owen on . ‘Paragraphlaunches an aggregated lit mag for the iPad age’. 

Basically it’s about an app that is going to pull stories from some of the most prestigious literary magazines. It then is able to show you social media information from whichever author you are reading through.  Honestly, I think it would save a lot of time but then on the other hand I’m still going to miss randomly coming across an author that I might not have previously read.  Paragraph Shorts will for sure expose me to new authors.  Possibly. Probably in fact. But then I’m also reading yet another thread that has been spun by somebody else. I have no doubt that I will find something to read through this program but I think I’ll still want to visit the actual publications.   

Up To the Elbows


A large portion of this is merely a response to me wanting to be able to truly get in there and dig with my fingers and eyes through the dirt of information for that one story that sparkles for me right then at that second.  Yes I know it’s slightly a juvenile approach to going about information gathering but this is an important aspect of my word-of-the-year. By knowing that a field may be abundant in something considered to be prestigious does that really make that field any more tempting?  Shouldn’t I trust my capacity for discovering the writing that I actually want to read on my own? Or is this also whyamazon doesn’t want us reviewing our own genre?

And There the Canyon

Yeah it’s definitely a tricky area.  And that brings me back to this sense of engagement.  I scarcely read anything like what I write.  That is why I like reading.  Perhaps the most precious sense of where the industry medium lies in terms of its balance is a gently growing sweet spot that is bringing author and audience even closer together.  We all know algorithms are not (or are they?) the answer.   

One of the most important things is that the growing capacity to truly interact with an audience has arrived. Because of this the responsibility to provide something worth hearing isn’t a bad idea. That level of quality means that you owe it to the ‘greater good?’ to step things up.  As both consumer and provider. This might seem daunting but it’s just like any level of exercise.  Keep doing it. Keep pushing yourself. Keep your chin up.This is how we learn and evolve and how we become engaged.

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